Sunday, July 1, 2012

DC Part 2: Old Friends and New Friends

Back in DC, we met up with our friends Amy and Charles... and their little daughter Julia. Last time we were in DC, Julia was about to be born... Here Noah and Julia on the front lawn of Amy and Charles's home.

A flower for you... ooops...

Walking in the sunset....

to Kushi Sushi mmmmmm....

They were very cute together.

Ok - this time Daddy is taking them to the restaurant as opposed to up and down the sidewalk. Noah's paternal instincts kicked in and he pet Julia and shelled edamame and fed them to Julia - though his shelling and feeding pace was a bit rapid... 

To old friends and new friends!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are sooooo adorable and romantic. You seem to be such a good friend Noah. Très protecteur. So so cute.
