Sunday, July 1, 2012

DC Part 3: Grandpa Bob's 94th Birthday Weekend

To celebrate Grandpa Bob's 94th birthday, Grasshopper Abby, Uncle Ron, and Aunt Suza came down to DC as well as Daddy's Aunt Caroline and Uncle Richard and cousins, Anna, David and Andrew. Abby and Ron gave Noah some beautiful books - here Abby reading one of the books to Noah and Noah pointing something out.


Confusing or upsetting?

That evening, everyone came over for aperitif and Noah decided it was his job to serve the food. So he went around the room asking people if they wanted tortilla chips and if so with guacamole or salsa. If the answer was yes, he would go get a chip, dip it in the right sauce and bring it over to the person with a big smile. I wonder where/why he got the idea. It was very sweet and it was great seeing him talk and interact with all these grown-ups he did not know. The only slight problem with his plan was that the Persian rug sometimes received some guacamole or salsa it had not ordered... and, of course, Noah got to eat the chips that broke in the dipping process. After aperitif and a yummy dinner, the cake was brought out. As Noah's grandparents will not be there for Noah's actual birthday, Noah got to help grandpa Bob blow out the candles and share a little bit of birthday fun. 

Almost there... a few more to go.

Noah dressed up for the Sunday celebration brunch. These days when you ask him to smile for the camera, this is what you get...

Luckily he smiles a lot on his own so it's not too hard capturing him with a smile on his face. Here with Abby and Ron brunching outside.

And with GG and Grandpa Bob.

The whole crew... It was great seeing everyone. See you all again for Grandpa Bob's 95th birthday celebration (or before in Singapore??).

After Noah's nap, we went to the corner block party where Noah jumped around in the castle and got an arm painting (he prefers that to a face painting because he can see the painting on his arm but not his face... makes sense to me).

One of our last nights in DC - enjoying wine and cheese in the backyard - soooo nice. 

The wine was just not any wine... a St Julien 1970.. yuuuuummmmyyyy. Although he is still quite young - Noah has already tasted some amazing wines (see visiting Mamie and Papy July 2011 when he tasted a Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1976)- Here Noah getting his "canard" - just in case you were wondering, he asked for more...

 Noah got to sing a final happy birthday to his Grandpa Bob before we headed back to Singapore.

Bye bye GG and Grandpa and all of you friends and family in the US - hope to see you all soon somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. La dolce vita... Wine, cheese, cake & guacamole what else ;)
    Sweet pics of Noah with the Grandpa
