Wednesday, July 4, 2012

French Bakery - A Little Piece of Home in Tiong Bahru

While we were in the US, a new French bakery opened a few blocks from where we live. We invited some French friends over to test it... here Noah with the loot.

It was very very good - and now Noah knows what croissants and pains of chocolat and croissants aux amandes and pains aux raisins and brioches and chaussons aux pommes are... and of course he loves it all. It is so amazing having such a central culinary piece of my childhood/teenagerhood right here in our neighborhood in Singapore - Proust's madeleine to Valerie's pain au chocolat. It is also great to be able to share it with Noah so that he too will remember these pastries and boulangeries fondly and perhaps they will make him think of home - wherever home is or will be in the future. 

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