Friday, June 29, 2012

Bethany Beach: Family, Food and Fun (part 3)

Over the next few days at Bethany beach, Noah became more and more comfortable playing in the waves.  He and GG had a great time jumping around in the waves.

Remember that the water was COLD.... doesn't seem like it from looking at these two... 

Looks like loads of fun...

Noah even cautiously went in the very shallow part on his own (with close by supervision of course).

And also continued to work on the pool project...

And played in the sand. 

The last day before heading back to DC, he played one last game of put put with GG and Daddy.

It was fun being at a beach where the sun is not soooo strong that you don't actually want to sit out. Noah really got to play in the sand and water and with his grandparents. A fun family trip.

1 comment:

  1. All fans of wading in the water and building sand castles
    For the golf not tried yet :)))
