Wednesday, July 18, 2012

14 Juillet: belatedly

Happy 14th of July - Bastille day. One of my French friends celebrated by giving birth to an adorable little boy - Léon (congratulations to you P, S, and E if you read this). We just went to the Singapore Hippopotamus (they had a Bastille day discount for French citizens). I remembered really liking going there as a kid - either my tastes have changed or the one here is not as good... it was fine but definitely not noteworthy. Noah with his hippo menu - 

Happy Belated Bastille Day everyone (a few days late - but oh well - it's not clear why we celebrate the liberation of crazy prisoners anyway).

1 comment:

  1. Avec Linus on a fait la fête du drapeau suisse le 1er août. Toujours sympa de voir des feux d'artifices :)
    Pour les crazy prisoners je ne sais pas. Parfois je trouve que la France n'a pas autant chsngé que ça.
    Enfin Vive la France et surtout vive Noah !!! Cuter than ever
