Thursday, July 19, 2012

Train to... DC (with free M&Ms)

As I mentioned in a previous post, Noah received some train tracks and trains from his grandparents for his birthday. Last weekend, he said he wanted to use every single track he had in his track box to make a big big circuit. So we started building and building and I got more and more into it... surprisingly it requires some thinking/planning to use every single track piece (we fell short by one end piece). Below, Noah playing with the result. He wanted to hook up all the train cars he had to make one big train...

Then he decided that if you had a train, you needed tickets to ride the train so he went about making tickets for all of us. Below is Lhasa's ticket (which he wrote out entirely on his own).

And just to make sure the ticket master knew who Lhasa was - he drew a picture of a cat on the back (I drew a cat on a separate piece of paper bit by bit and he copied bit by bit).

When I asked him where the train was going, he explained that it was going to DC... here my ticket (there was a profile of me in the back - which he drew on his own and knew to put one eye, a piece of the mouth and the profile of my nose - not sure where he learned that in a profile picture you can only see one eye - maybe all those museum trips and painting books). 

When he had prepared tickets for Lhasa, me and Daddy (he did not need one because he sold tickets so he could ride for free), he decided that we should have M&M tickets to get some free M&Ms on the train... so he made M&M tickets for me and Seth (Lhasa does not eat M&Ms) with our name again and "M M". So now we are set to go to DC - we have train tickets and free M&Ms to keep us going during the trip!

As an aside - this is our 100th post on this blog (and the tweeting of this post will be the 1700th tweet!). Thank you for following us loyal readers (aka, grandparents, siblings, few select friends who know about the blog and keep up with Noah's shenanigans and people who found this blog somehow and keep reading it - there are a few of you out there in Russia I think - so спасибо). Thank you!


  1. Tell Noah we will meet him at union station ...just let us know the time!

  2. Big hug from Geneva as well - if by chance the train to DC crosses Switzerland, let me know!
