Monday, July 23, 2012

Superland Sports Day

Last Saturday (July 21) was Sports Day at Noah's school. This basically entails coming into school super early on a Saturday morning (fun fun) - then the kids do a "warm-up dance" - Below Noah doing the dragon dance. He was very excited about doing his dance and did the steps and movements very well (in my very unbiased opinion!). Maybe he will be more coordinated than his parents...

Noah doing the dragon dance warm-up.

After all the different aged kids did their warm up dance (there was not much of a difference between the 3 and the 4 year olds but those 5 year olds man - they knew their stuff!), Noah and his friends lined up for the games. Noah was the closer on the green team... 

Waiting for his turn...

Trying to help his little friend Same who was a bit scared.

Ok - it's finally Noah's turn.

He jumps through the hoops, crawls through the tunnel and runs to the beams..

Then comes back with the wheelbarrow...

Clearly enjoying himself...

Switch to the ball...

Almost there...

And the green team is the winner!

Noah with his teammates getting their medal and present (to be fair all kids got medals and presents - not just the winning teams).

A fun morning at school. 

1 comment:

  1. Te voilĂ  prĂȘt pour les JO Noah!!! Quel parcours du combattant. Bravo les Verts
