Monday, July 9, 2012

Noah's 3rd Birthday: Celebration # 1 School Fiesta

Tomorrow is Noah's 3rd birthday... since we are treating him to a day with Daddy and Maman at the bird park, we celebrated his birthday at school today. Seth and I showed up at school for the festivities around 10:15. We had prepared a series of pictures of Noah (I will post the slideshow pictures in the next post) and the teacher explained the photos and asked the kids questions. Noah with a globe circled around the "sun" (rays with the months written on them) once when we got to the one year old picture and the children clapped one time. He then circled another time when we hit the two year old birthday picture and the children clapped twice.

The last slide was from Grandpa Bob's 94th birthday and Noah excitedly pointed to his Grandpa Bob and his parents and the rest of his family.

He then circled one last time and the children clapped three times and...

then sang him happy birthday in English and Chinese and maman in French.

We then all went up to the dining area. Noah sat at the head of the table with the birthday boy hat.

He then made a wish (the teacher suggested more toys and more fun trips...)

And he blew out the candles (see his prettily decorated cupcakes :) ).

With Maman and Daddy.

The serving mystery was elucidated... it seems like at school, the birthday child gets to serve the cake...

And choose who gets the next slice of cake/cupcake.

Noah with the lucky girl.

Noah and his friend Elias chatting while eating cake.

The kids got up when they were done with their cupcake and threw their plate in the garbage bin.

and lined up on the floor to get their goodie bags.

Noah gave each goodie bag away and the pairs posed for a photo... Noah and his best friend according to him.

Noah and Elias.

Noah and Sam.

Noah and Katy

The whole class...

Overall, I think Noah had a really good time though surprisingly or unsurprisingly, I can't really decide which, he was a bit shy being the center of attention all this time. Now onto birthday celebration #2!

1 comment:

  1. Et bien dites donc quelle fĂȘte !!!
    Magnifiques toutes ces photos avec tous ses amis.
