Monday, June 18, 2012

NYC: Family, Alice and more

That first weekend, Mamie and Papy were in town (unfortunately, Papy had to leave on Sunday night so Noah barely got to see him). Noah snacking before going to play with Alice.


Playing with Alice...

.... on the day of his 3rd month birthday!

He grew a little bit no? He's flying!

Mushroom make pretty good umbrellas!

Oh oh....

Suza to the rescue.

Hold on tight... this is one fast mouse.

Not sure what is soooo funny.

Maybe it's just being with Aunt Suza again.


Also, while in NYC, we saw some old friends and their kids (though for some reason, we did not take any pictures) and went to the Natural History museum to see the dinosaurs. He was interested at first but less excited than I expected. I guess bones are not very interactive or fun for a 2+ year old. The big hit was the Children's museum. Below, he is cranking the lever to get food up into the "stomach" of the machine in the Body exhibit. He had a blast.

Another hit was hanging out with his Mamie in Central Park... and of course playing with Aunt Suza.