Monday, June 18, 2012

NYC: bebe cousine

On the morning of Saturday May 12th, Noah and Seth arrived in NYC after a long but apparently smooth trip. Aunt Suza and I went to pick them up at the airport and after some hugs and kisses all Noah would talk about was meeting his bebe cousine.

He could not wait to meet his bebe cousine so we went straight to Tonton Charles and Tata Nicole's apartment to meet her (note that he is still wearing his plane attire!!!) and also see his aunt and uncle again.

Noah was eager to give Audrey her presents (some clothes Noah helped pick out, Sasha in Singapore books and some of his dvds he decided were for babies and therefore he wanted to give to his baby cousin).

And then baby cousin gave him some presents - a very cool construction set and some imaginets (colorful magnets in various shapes that you use to make figures like a boat, a car, a bird...). So young and yet already so great at giving gifts :) 

By the end of the week, they were fast friends (well as much as a three year old and a newborn can be). Noah sang Audrey some songs, did some mat time with her, got the diapers ready for changing her, picked out her clothes... and was not too jealous or needy when maman was holding and playing with Audrey for a while.

I look forward to seeing them grow up and playing together and being silly together and being mischievous together. Cousins rock!


  1. Quel super grand cousin tu fais Noah.
    Bientôt 3 ans juste dingue !!!

  2. et quel bon choix de cadeaux ... Elmo's dvd :)
