Friday, June 29, 2012

Bethany Beach: Family, Food and Fun (part 2)

On Saturday, Aunt Renee, Uncle Tom and cousins, Monica, Glenn and Sarah joined us at the beach. Here Noah watching Glenn fill the bucket with water and sand for the big pool project and Grandpa supervising. 

Noah - helping out. 

Another trip to fill up the bucket..

Victorious return with a full bucket.

Working on the pool project with Aunt Suza, Glenn and Grandpa.

Back from another bucket-filling trip.

This time Grandpa went with Noah to fill up the bucket... 

After a morning of filling up the bucket and digging, we headed back to the house for lunch and... to celebrate Monica's birthday...

After a reinvigorating nap, we headed to the put put course a block away from the house. Here Sarah teaching Noah how to play.

Noah's job was to pick up the ball in the hole...

And hand it over to its owner.

Noah attempting a shot himself.

And with some help from Daddy...

On his own again - this time very concentrated. Although he liked putting and picking up balls, his favorite aspect of this course was probably the pirate (it was a pirate-themed course) who sprang up every so often and spouted something. Noah kept trying different things to see if he could make the pirate come out. Sometimes he jumped and just then the pirate would come out so he thought maybe jumping made the pirate come out... Finally, I think he realized that the pirate was on its own schedule and that he would come out no matter what Noah did or did not do... but lots and lots of fun figuring that out. 

That evening we went to Crabber's cove for dinner - the cousins (minus Seth).

The cousins with spouses and significant others.

With Aunt Suza, Tom and Renee.

Mmmmm crab.

1 comment:

  1. Magnifiques photos au bord de l'océan. Et quel swign Noah. Tellement concentré ! Tu as mangé tout ce crabe tout seul ?
