Monday, June 18, 2012

DC Part 1: Blocks, Dolls and Museums

After a week in NY, we headed to DC (well I stopped in Missouri  along the way for my cousin's wedding). Noah was very excited to see his GG and Grandpa and of course Marnie the dog. But also... to rediscover Daddy, Suza and Abby's old toys and books. Here Noah playing with Seth's blocks in GG and Grandpa's basement in 2012...

And Seth playing with the same blocks in the same basement probably around 1981-82.

Noah was also a big fan of Aunt's Suza's dollhouse and of all the amazing books down in the basement.

We were in DC for only a few days before heading to the beach but Noah and I made it to the amazing Air and Space museum where Noah got to pilot a pretty cool plane.

As well as discover through various activities how planes fly. He was very interested in the exhibit and especially any part that involved floating a ball or whacking a button... We also went to the Art Museum - below Noah in the sculpture garden very excited because he could stand in/under this particular sculpture. 

We went to see the Miro exhibit which we both very much enjoyed. The monster almost ate Noah but he managed to get away and the balloons in the painting did not fly away. We played spot the animals and describe the scene and tell the background story and had a grand time - till nap time... I tested Seth's nap-on-the-go theory and to my surprise he just went to sleep on the bench in a quiet part of the museum!


  1. Great post....we miss you all....

  2. Je ne connaissais pas cette théorie... j'ai bien peur qu'elle ne fonctionne pas avec Linus :P

  3. Soizic - we are trying not to bring Noah's stroller anymore which is fine at home when we usually go out in the morning and then in the afternoon after his nap but since he is still napping, Seth tested nap-on-the-go and crazy Noah just plunked down and fell asleep - it's pretty useful :)
