Thursday, June 14, 2012

We are Back! With Some Catching Up to do.

On May 2 2012, I left for LA to see my friend O, her partner G and their adorable little B. My first  night away from Noah since he was 11 months old!!! Crazy crazy. And from there, I headed to NYC to meet baby cousin, aka kiwi, aka Audrey Caroline Wolrich :) Seth and Noah were set to fly to meet me in NYC on the 12th of May (crazy wonderful Seth volunteered to take Noah on his own for the 24 hour trip...).

As usual when Seth is away on business, we made a calendar for when Noah would be meeting up with maman and bebe cousine. Everyday they crossed out a day on the calendar till departure day. And I organized his playdates for the week I left. 

From what I heard - the playdates went very well. Here he is with Jeanne and Matthias making a cushion house.

On Saturday, Seth took Noah to the open doors firehouse where he got to drive the fire truck

And then to the stamp museum where he was put on the 100c stamp!

Then to Little India for some chickpeas - still one of Noah's favorite foods.

And after an invigorating nap on daddy - they headed to the pirate water park and the beach on Sentosa Island. Here Noah dancing.

What a fun packed day! On Sunday they went to the zoo but there were no pics... 

The next week, Noah went to school for full days napping at school and having his gouter there before Seth picked him about around 5:30-6:00. Noah, Seth and Charmie fared very well without me it seems :)  

On May 11th, they headed off to NYC. At the same time our dear helper Charmie went back to the Philippines to prepare for her move to Canada. Here she was with Noah when she first started working with us a year and a half ago: 

Bye Bye auntie Charmie (more on Noah's reaction in a later post as we told him she was not coming back only later - about a week before we headed back to Singapore).

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