Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bethany Beach: Family, Food and Fun (part 1)

After a few days in DC, we (GG, Grandpa, Suza and the three of us) headed to Bethany beach for memorial day weekend. We stayed at a beautiful house a block away from the beach. Noah went straight to the beach that first evening and just had to test the water (while fully dressed of course :) ). COLD but it did not detract him. Next day, he could not wait to get back in the water this time with the appropriate attire.

Splashing in the water with Suza.... it does not get better than that!

On our first full day, we went for the traditional fries and oysters, crabs and the like at this little shack near the beach. While waiting for our food.

Still waiting...

And playing...

And hugging...

Oh no - he is upside-down!

After a reinvigorating nap in his own big boy bed, it's back to the beach!

And then off to a yummy dinner with a gorgeous view :) Our smiley little guy was at his smiley-ist! 

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