Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Suza in Singapore: Gardens by the Bay

On Monday afternoon, we headed to the Gardens by the Bay. Below the "trees".

Our meeting place for playdates, the bull. Behind, you can see the Rain-forest dome.

The rain-forest dome from outside.

More trees... (thanks by the way to Suza for all or almost all the Suza in Singapore pics :) ).

Noah petting the crocodile.

And riding the crocodile. Unfortunately, it must have been an old or not very cooperative crocodile because he did not get very far. 

Our first time inside the flower dome - quite a huge and impressive structure with plants from around the world.

Like cacti...

And pine trees...

and roses and geraniums and fushias - the plants I grew up with and have not seen in quite a while.  Noah and his friend Kathryn ran around the dome but were not overly impressed with the flowers. 

A cool structure...

You can see the Singapore flyer from inside the dome.

We next went to the rain-forest dome which has a giant waterfall and flying walkways down from the top of the waterfall. 

Close-up view of the waterfall...

Find the flyer...

The three of us at the top.

And again...

A view of the walkways...  Noah thought they looked a little like train tracks which of course was very exciting.

Last view of the waterfall as we head down.

We then climbed the skywalk....

View from the skywalk as the sun sets.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel (aka the boat) from the skywalk. A beautiful sight.

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