Friday, September 21, 2012

Borneo: Morning with the Orangutans

On Thursday the 16th of August, we flew out to Borneo - without Noah's stroller. Our first trip entirely without the stroller (a success by the way - more on that in later posts)! There we met up with Suza's friend Emily. The next morning we drove to the orangutan reserve. 

The food is out... waiting for orangutans to come.

... and here they come!

Swinging through the trees and ropes noiselessly towards the food.

Three of them made it down.

Grabbing some food.


Noah with Suza after seeing the orangutans. Noah was acting a bit camera shy so Emily was on one side and Daddy on the other so wherever he turned... there was someone to take his picture. He thought that was very funny. The orangutans he found nice but he was not very impressed - after all he sees orangutans climbing around in the Singapore zoo all the time!

One last orangutan climbed along the rope by the parking lot before we headed out. What impressed me the most was how quiet even the biggest of the orangutans were when moving through the jungle - and how agile and smart they seemed. 

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