Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kathryn's Birthday Party

Last weekend, Noah was invited to his friend Kathryn's birthday party (happy birthday Kathryn :) ). Unfortunately, we forgot to bring a camera but Kathryn's mom graciously sent us a few pictures from the event. The party took place at a dancing/acting school for little kids and the kids did many fun activities. What was amazing to me (and Seth I think) was that Noah was completely independent. He went to play and do the activities and barely even looked back at us.

Here he was "bowling" and just made a few pins fall.

Playing with playdo.

Playing a dancing game. When the music stops, all the kids have to find a spot to stand in (as these were young kids, there were always enough spots for all).

Making a mickey mouse mask.

Getting ready for the next activity.

Helping to turn the sheet.

And again...

Heading to the snack room.

Even at snack time, he went to the table, got himself a plate and served himself (A LOT of hummus). So fun to watch him enjoy himself with friends and happily fend for himself. 

1 comment:

  1. Quel anniversaire ! Que d'activités ! Il a dû énormément s'amuser. Tellement spécial de voir comme ils grandissent vite et deviennent indépendants ;)
