Monday, September 17, 2012

July Iphone Photo Backlog

I am very wary of plugging in my Iphone to a computer because I no longer have the original computer I set it up with and I am not synched up. I finally braved the connection a little while ago and uploaded some pictures from July 2012 which I had not posted. So, before moving on to August... a few remaining July pictures. 

Above, Noah in his new overalls (they are a bit big since they are size 4...) playing in one of the local playgrounds nearby.

I took Noah to the Arts Science museum a while ago to see the Harry Potter exhibit and the Andy Warhol exhibit. Surprisingly, or maybe unsurprisingly, he liked the Warhol exhibit better. I had showed him some Warhol paintings on the web and explained some of the ideas behind the soup cans and the repetitions but hey - bright colors and soup cans and shoes and beautiful women... Harry Potter on the other hand, although intriguing, was a bit scary for him and he knows nothing of the Harry Potter world or movies and there is a lot of background to explain to make golden snitches exciting or gowns from the movie interesting... 

Noah at the top of the Pinnacle again...

And Noah in the new "Gardens by the bay" on the tree walkway - you can see the Singapore Flyer in the background and some more of the "trees". It's a fun new garden by the Marina Bay Sands hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Little guy is growing up! He looks great...cannot wait to see him!
