Monday, September 10, 2012

Diaper Update: No More Diapers

It has been a while since we last posted and pics are piling up in my folders. I will get to them but for now, I just wanted to post a quick diaper update. Noah has been out of day diapers for almost a year now (his first day without diapers at school was September 15 2011). As some of you may remember, at first he still asked for a diaper to poop once a day or did so in his night diaper but he soon learned to use the toilet for that too. 

Now, he is officially diaper free. Since August 20th, he has been without diapers at night and so far, it is doing great. Only two accidents in 20 days and both towards the beginning.  Yay to a diaperfree life!


  1. Well done Val! You made both a very good job.

  2. Congrats ! It's true that it is even more fun without diapers :))
