Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Suza in Singapore: Botanical Gardens

For days before Suza even arrived, we had started a count-down calendar on Noah's wall.

Noah was very very excited...  Finally, Suza arrived late Thursday night/early Friday morning (the 9th of August). The reunion between the two was very sweet - Noah only wanted to give his hand to Suza -  maybe Suza and mommy/daddy but definitely not just one of us! That Friday, after Noah came back from school, we went to the Orchid Garden in the Botanical Gardens. 

Here Noah near the entrance.

Find the bird....

Find the pineapple - we almost never see pineapples on the pineapple bushes here but that day, we spotted one little one. 

My favorite part of the botanical gardens - the flowers are just amazing and some even smell so deliciously good.

Suza showing Noah the light shining through the thin flower petals - magical.


Noah - by then he had run around quite a bit in the hot humid weather and was all wet - but still happy.

Bye bye orchid garden. 

After a colorful adventure in the orchid garden we picnicked in the botanical gardens. It is so pleasant out in the evening - slightly cooler but still warm with a beautiful pink sky.

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