Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Playdates for Maya

Maya is growing up and becoming more interested in and interactive with others both human and animal. We have therefore started arranging playdates for her too. 

Maya and our little neighbor who turned one that day

The cupboard door was very interesting apparently

And again, this time at our place - the green cube was very popular

The kids had some good moments of sharing and common interest and then of course moments when they were each playing on their own.

When at home, Maya tried to create her own playdate while Noah was at school... with Lhasa. The other day, she picked up Lhasa's toy. I showed her how to use it and she tried hard to get Lhasa to play with her - it almost worked but then... 

...Lhasa sat down and turned her back to Maya

Our "big" girl in her big girl two piece pjs!

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