Sunday, February 23, 2014


On Friday, we had a playdate at Amazonia indoor playgym. Noah has been there many times before but this was Maya's first time as a walker (I think she had been before but she was pretty small). She was a bit wary of the big kid area at first (there are lots of foam wrecking balls and trampolines and slides) but then got into it. She also really liked the ball pit (we have some similar balls at home and they are some of her favorite toys).

Maya in the ball pit

I hesitated before taking her on the really big fast slide but figured we would try it once and if she did not like it we would not do it again. She loved it and signed more more more and apparently had a big smile on her face coming down (not in this picture though!).

Here we are coming down - you can also see Noah in the lane next to us 

Maya in the ball pit with color...

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