Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chinese New Year Weekend

Friday was Chinese New Year. To celebrate, we went to the zoo with some friends.

Noah in front of the horse at the entrance of the zoo

The (bigger) kids riding the polar bear (the three smaller kids did not make it up and unfortunately for us the actual polar bear was napping in his cold house)

The kids had a great time running around the zoo and watching the elephant show and the cats and dogs show. Maya really liked the monkeys and kept making the monkey sign after we left the zoo.

Saturday, Seth came back from Germany and Sunday, we met up with some friends at the Marina Bay platform for some more Chinese New Year celebrations: beautiful gigantic lanterns and... a fair with rides for the kids.

Noah speeding in his Formula 1 car

Racing his friend

Jumping on the trampoline

After the rides, we went to see the lanterns.

Enormous flowers that opened and closed

A huge lantern statue

At night, they turned on the lights...

Year of the horse here we come

The kids... (there were 9 kids for 6 adults! Maya was sleeping in the Bjorn so she missed out on the photo op) - notice the beautiful lanterns in the back

The bigger kids (this was before the balloon fight which resulted in Noah's balloon flying up in the air to his great chagrin)

Happy New Year of the horse everyone. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

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