Saturday, February 22, 2014

Play and Play

Last Saturday, Noah was in his school's play. The play was about the Chinese New year animals. Noah was a dog.

Our little dog

Little dog having fun on stage

With his fellow dogs

Crawling back to the side of the stage

Dancing (there was a song at the end)

More dancing 

Preparing for the last bow

The difference between this play and the plays in his old school was striking. In the old school, the kids practiced for months, especially the older kids and the rendition was perfect but by the time the big day came Noah was completely bored of the play and sick of practicing. In his new school, they did not practice very long but had lots of fun doing it and had fun on stage. The result was a bit more chaotic but fun. 

After the play, Noah went to play at Matthi's house for a drop-off birthday party. The party turned into a pizza dinner with all the kids and siblings and parents - lots of fun and craziness. I think there must have been at least 25 kids there. 

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