Monday, February 10, 2014

No more ear molds!

On Friday, I took Noah to the ENT for his 9 months follow-up appointment. Most importantly, his hearing is normal but also, the tubes in his ears are falling out which means... NO MORE EAR MOLDS for swimming. Noah has been such a sport about putting them on every single time he went swimming whether at school, at home or at a friend's house but it was definitely getting a bit old.

The dreaded ear molds - the pink goes in the left ear 
and the yellow in the right ear...

Up close - bye bye ear molds. 

I should have taken pictures the last time he actually wore them because this time 
we just stuck it in without doing it properly - as his ears were getting bigger the molds
 were getting increasingly harder to put in properly 

Testing the waters with the noodle - look no molds and no cap!

Off he goes 

He can just put his swim shorts and jump in the water. So so so exciting after over a year of not being able to swim or swimming with the molds and cap (and given that we live in the tropics and have a pool in the condo - swimming is a constant).

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