Thursday, November 15, 2012

Saigon Part 3 (11.10.2012): Mekong Delta

The next day (our last full day in Vietnam), we headed to the Mekong delta. 

Noah and GG on our boat.

View of the delta from our boat.

Farmers sell their wares to boat merchants who travel down the delta to sell the wares.

The merchants put up whatever they are selling on poles to signal that they are open and to advertise their wares.

Houses along the delta.

Another view of the delta buzzing with boats and towns.

Our first stop was a small artisanal food factory. Noah examining the rice wine distillery.

A man making rice puffs - there he just put the rice in the extremely hot tub already containing hot sand/coal.

Puff - the rice puffed up. The man then put the mixture in a sieve to separate the rice from the rest. Noah was very curious and intrigued by the whole process and watched it over and over again.

A woman making thin crepe-like wraps.

The crepes drying in the sun.

Tasting the rice pufs and the crepes and various other treats made at this place. 

On our way out, Noah said goodbye to the pet snake - he was completely unafraid and happily pet the snake (this was not his first snake encounter - in touristy areas in Singapore, men have pet snakes you can take pictures with - or just pet if you ask nicely).

Noah and Daddy are off to the boat.

Back on the boat, Noah practiced his "Move it Move it" song and dance routine (which he performed 2 weeks later at the school show).

And tried his hand at driving the boat - he did pretty well though we zigzagged a bit...

To get to our second stop, a farm, we took a smaller boat.

GG on the little boat.

It was very hot and sunny so we all wore the local hats (which, by the way, are very cool and provide a good amount of shade - very practical in these parts of the world).

Me in the hat.

Into a smaller tributary.

Seth wearing his hat (with the woman rower in the background - it seems like rowing tourist's is mostly a woman's job in Vietnam).

Off the boat.

GG and Grandpa arriving.

On the way, we saw some huge jackfruit - Noah tried to swing them and...

lift them but found it very hard given the size and weight of those things.

Papaya tree.

Banana tree.

Dragon fruit... (we eat those all the time in Singapore but I had never seen them growing - pretty cool).

At the end of our fruit-laden walk, we were rewarded with some juice/alcohol and fruit - yum.

Third and last stop: lunch. Here after getting off our boat and heading to the lunch spot.

Fish on a stick! (It is bad luck to turn a fish over so they serve them vertical).

Rambutan.... mmmmm.

Laughing at lunch.

We then headed back to the little port.

Scenes along the way...

Bye bye Vietnam - hope to see you soon! We all had a great time. 

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