Thursday, November 15, 2012

Saigon Part 2 (10.10.2012): Cu Chi, Clinton and Chinatown

The next morning, we took a car to the Cu Chi tunnels. Wikipedia tells us that the tunnels were used by Viet Cong guerrillas as hiding spots during combat, as well as serving as communication and supply routes, hospitals, food and weapon caches and living quarters for numerous guerrilla fighters. The tunnel systems were of great importance to the Viet Cong in their resistance to American forces, and helped achieve ultimate military success. Before seeing the tunnels we were subjected to a relatively violent pro-communist recap of history (which we walked out on because it was definitely not Noah friendly). 

Some of the entrances and tunnels were tiny and must have been sweltering hot and rather miserable to crawl through.

The visiting tunnel set up for tourists was a bit more user-friendly - Here Noah and I coming out of the tunnels.

Almost there!

Another entrance to the tunnels.

Man made "ant hills" were used to create surreptitious air holes.

After visiting the Cu Chi tunnels we drove straight to a Pho place - "Pho for the president" was its catch phrase.

And sure enough - inside was a picture of President Clinton (with Chelsea) eating at Pho 2000!

Noah was a big fan too...

Eating Pho is very funny...

Or maybe that's just Daddy's antics.

After lunch, we went to the nearby covered market for some trinkets (watches and bags and T-shirts - my favorite being "iPho - made in Vietnam" which Noah got.

We also got Noah a traditional Vietnamese hat for his dress-up collection (fireman, policeman, traditional little Vietnamese boy...).

After a refreshing nap, we headed to the Chinatown area of Saigon to see some temples.

They were not in the best of shape but the sculptures were intricate and beautiful.

Chinatown street as the sun begins to set (before it started to rain!).

We then met up with Cash who lives in Saigon for a scrumptious dinner during which Noah drew a pretty realistic picture of Mango circa 5 weeks old (see the hand bud and the leg bud and the long thing is the umbilical chord according to Noah). 

Another fun filled day in Vietnam!

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