Saturday, November 17, 2012

GG and Grandpa in Singapore (12-13.10.12)

Back from Vietnam, we went for a yummy Thai dinner in Singapore with GG and Grandpa and then headed to the highest bar in Singapore for a drink and a view - unfortunately, we could not go with Noah but they had a smaller indoor bar the floor below - from there we watched the water and light show on the bay. 

Next morning, we headed to Coastes, a brunch place on the beach on Sentosa island. Noah played in the sand and water (after eating his own meal of course) while we had a nice leisurely breakfast. 

We then walked around Sentosa. Noah insisted on holding the birds (it is free - photographers take pictures and if you like the pics you can buy them). He was completely unafraid.

Even of the biggest of the birds... In fact the biggest was his favorite and now whenever we go to Sentosa he asks whether he can hold the big bird. 

This little one was on his back - very cute.

And one last one...

After some bird holding, GG, Noah and Seth we luging. Below, Noah climbing on to the luge with GG.

And they are off.

Coming back up in style.

Almost there!

They made it with a smile.

Then Noah and Grandpa rode the "elevator tour" up up up and around.

View from the top.

Noah looking down.

That afternoon, we went to the gardens by the bay. Below, Noah, GG and Grandpa on the skywalk with the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in the background. 

So cute together.

Short break at the new bar/restaurant at the top of one of the "trees" in the Gardens by the Bay. Noah was getting a bit impatient by that point so we played taking pictures - here he is taking a picture with his "camera".

Our little Noah.

The flower dome, it turns out, changes based on the season in Europe/US - so they had their fall/halloween flowers out. Noah playing in the closest thing he will get to a pumpkin patch this year.

After a good dim sum dinner, we walked along the bay - the view there in the evening is just stunning - this photo does not quite capture it.

Late that night, GG and Grandpa headed back home. Goodbye GG and Grandpa - we miss you and look forward to seeing you out here soon.

1 comment:

  1. Comme il semble doux de vivre à Singapour.
    Géniale cette piste de luge et ce télésiège.
