Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Halloween 2012

In preparation for Halloween, Noah and Audrey made some pumpkins and spiders.

Then Noah, Jeanne and Matthias made some different spiders and pumpkins...

 And a few ghosts... and a haunted house.

And a few more ghosts on the mirror (can you spot the Harry Potter ghost?)

Daddy, Mom and little ghost... Little ghost is learning to say Booooo but not quite there yet!

Candy bowl.

A decorated Nespresso bag makes a decent Halloween candy bag...

As the sort of token American (though growing up in France I never actually did celebrate Halloween much), I again organized the Condo Halloween trick-or-treat. It was very popular and we ended up with 15 kids or so. 

On the day of, Elias came over for a playdate and then the boys got into their costumes (Noah was originally supposed to be a T-rex but he lent his policeman outfit to Elias and wanted to be the fireman... so fireman he was).

Our little fireman with everyone gathering around by the pool to start the great trick-or-treat/apartment visiting (unlike in the US where you just knock on doors, here all the kids file into each of the apartments of the other participating kids and get some candy and play for a while).

A large portion of the kids by the kid's pool.

First apartment had a little newborn. Noah was very interested and wanted to kiss her and pet her.

Little fireman gathering candy.

Ready to firefight in the next apartment.

The kids gathering candy at the third apt...

All in all, we visited 7 apartments in 2 hours - a fun evening. Back home, Noah posed for the traditional halloween pictures.  

Getting his megaphone out.

Please evacuate now!

Maybe this is just a test run - not much danger and some fun to be had.

Happy Halloween little fireman.

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