Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halong Bay Part 2 (7-8.10.2012): Dining and Departing

Our second evening in Halong Bay, we kayaked to a beach - arriving just in time for sunset. Noah about to go swimming.

Again... with the decor in the background.

Seth and Noah in the water as the sun sets on the bay.

We were told that we would be having dinner in a cave near the beach that evening and we expected to go wet and salty directly from the kayaking and swimming. But the tender boat came to pick us up and we returned to the Dragon Pearl for a shower and a drink... below the three of us lounging on a chair before dinner.

We also expected the cave to be some rustic wet affair - that was very far from the case - the path to up to the cave was lit up with candles and the cave itself had beautiful soft lighting with one table for our boat...

One couple was celebrating a wedding anniversary...

At the table - Noah presiding of course!

The food was delicious and beautifully presented - here Noah with the radish and carrot birds... he was quite excited by sculptures made out of .... edible morsels (not that we got to eat them to his mild dismay)!

Noah with the food boat.

The lighting was very soft and pleasant so Seth took advantage of this to take a series of pictures of Noah - Noah was not really into it this time... 

Maman making silly faces and asking silly questions seems to have worked a little...

Petit Noah espiegle...

Strawwwww - berry.

The three of us - by then Noah had had enough of pictures so we were not able to get a good one unfortunately.

Off to bed after a wonderful meal. This was the first trip during which we did not bring or use any diapers. VERY EXCITING - Noah did a great job with staying dry the whole 11 nights excepts one night on the boat (where of course he was sharing a small bed with us) where he had a very mild accident. 

Reading a bed time story with GG...

Amelia Bedelia is quite a funny lady it seems.

Last night up on the deck viewing the stars.

Next morning, we headed back to port... views along the way.

A few last pics of the group before heading into port.

Back to civilization  - not that the boat trip was not civilized what with the elaborate meals, the air-conditioned rooms and beautiful decor.

I was not too worried about Noah being on a boat for three days at this stage of his life but it was great to see him enjoying himself and talking to everyone and loving the food and company and boating and activities. Various other passengers (of which he was by far the youngest) came up to us to tell us how impressed they were with him and how well he behaved and how happy he seemed - so nice to have a little boy who is interested in the world and people and food around him.

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