Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hanoi Part 2 (8-9.10.2012): Dinner and a Playground

After a wonderful trip to Halong Bay, we spent one evening/night in Hanoi. Upon arrival at our hotel, Noah found two elephants on GG and Grandpa's bed. He was of course very interested in how the elephants were made and how to reproduce them (one got taken apart and worked on while the other remained as a model).

That night we had dinner with Emily (who lives in Saigon) at a delicious restaurant in the French quarter. While we waited for the food to arrive, Noah played his first game of "rock, paper, scissors" - although he seemed to enjoy it a lot at the time, he has not requested it since then...

On our way home from dinner, we passed by a very cool playground with rides and just had to test it out ... Noah riding a train.

And a plane...

Overall, we loved Hanoi - the food, the people, the atmosphere (even the crazy motorcycles), the playgrounds and we look forward to returning one day in the not-too-distant future.

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