Sunday, March 23, 2014

Visiting with Faith (March 8-22)

One of Seth's colleagues from Canada came to visit in March - a great excuse to go revisit and discover our city island. 

At the Evolution Garden in the Botanic Gardens (March 9)

Maya was very excited about this huge leaf

A live inhabitant of the Evolution garden

Noah with some little orchids

Gorgeous orchids

.... and some more

Noah with some giraffe sculptures

Making bracelets with F. (thanks Suza for the awesome kit)
(March 12)

He made it!

And Maya loved it 

Noah riding the polar bear at the zoo (March 15)

Yummm Singapore desserts (March 16)

The Merlion was under construction.... AGAIN

At the Asian Civilizations Museum doing some weaving

Maya checking out the tapestries

Maya - Maya

Noah with his piece

Nap time for the girlie

MacCritchie Treetop walk (March 22)

The bridge

We saw lots of monkeys

After the walk - a tour in the fruit and vegetable museum - 
Maya loved the cauliflower

At the redesigned National library

So much fun... 

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