Tuesday, March 4, 2014

One Year Journey

February 25 2013: A blue, contused and rather scary looking tiny little Maya 
was born a bit earlier than expected - luckily, she was strong and healthy

Maya with her brother that afternoon - she was beginning to turn  from blue to pink to yellow...

Maya the violinist under the blue light (February 27)

And at home... almost the size of her little kangaroo (March 1)

May 25 2013:  Maya is 3 months old - she is growing well - 
she holds her head well and can support her weight on her legs

August 25 2013: Maya is six months old and sitting well on her own and can do a few signs; she 
begins walking holding hands a few days later

November 25 2013: Maya is 9 months old and hanging on a houseboat in Kerala - 
she can do 5-6 steps on her own

February 25 2014: Maya is a year old - playing on the beach in Sentosa SG - 
she is communicating more and more and walking stably

It never ceases to amaze me how much and how fast babies change in that first year - such a wonderful and amazing journey. 

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