Thursday, March 13, 2014

Noah Vacation: Winter Day Part 2

After the ice skating, we headed to the nearby "2 degrees ice sculpture" exhibit - where (contrary to the title) it was supposedly -15 degrees. Seth, Maya (we had winter gear for Maya from a friend) and I put on all our gear and we rented an oversized coat for Noah. 

Noah in his big pink coat in front of the ice merlion

Noah, Maya and I in front of the Eiffel tower

Noah's favorite part of the exhibit: the ice slide

Maya and I loved it too

 Ice stalactites 

Maya wearing her winter gear for the first (and probably the last) time

Noah in front of Big Ben

She was a bit confused when we dressed her up with piles and piles of layers in the heat of Singapore

But seemed to enjoy it all when we stepped into the cold

Making silly faces...

Noah sliding again...

Maya and I sliding again

 And again

And again

Noah by the dinosaurs guarding the exit 

At the beginning, we were all excited for the cold but after almost two hours, we were all (except maybe for Seth who likes cold weather) very happy to shed the layers and return to the tropics.

Noah with the rows of coats taken with the now foggy camera
 (it took a while to adjust to the heat and humidity after the cold)

Before heading to the heat for good, we made a stop at the "ice bar" where Noah and I drank lime juices from ice glasses...

Noah drinking from his ice glass

Noah and I throwing our glasses away

Maya happy to be back in the heat and shedding her layers 

Four more layers to go!

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