Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Maya: A Year of Firsts

Some of Maya's firsts in this first year... A few firsts seem to be missing, like the first time she sat up on her own or the first time she said a word but these were so progressive that I don't know when the first time was. By six months she was sitting up well and by 12 months she was saying Dada and Mama well and purposefully (plus a few others here and there). 

0-1 month (February 25 to March 25)
  • First breastfeed:  morning of February 25th around 11 am
  • First time Maya saw her big brother: afternoon of February 25th 
  • First time in a car: February 28 - on the way home in Celine's car
  • First bath: March 2
  • First walk outside in the poussette: March 3
  • First time without her umbilical chord: night of March 3-4
  • First subway ride: March 4 to go to her pediatrician's
  • First bus ride: March 5 to go to the US embassy
  • First time over 5 pounds: March 15
  • First time sleeping in her big girl crib: March 18
  • First taxi ride: March 25
First time seeing Noah (February 25 2013)

1-2 months (March 26-April 25)
  • First lolette:  March 26
  • First time over 3kg: March 31
  • First bottle (breastmilk): April 4
  • First evening without Maman (but with Daddy): April 24
  • First nail cut: April 25
First Breastmilk Bottle (April 4 2013)

2-3 months (April 26-May 25)
  • First time over 4kg: April 28 (4.087kg)
  • First night alone in her room: April 27 to 28 (she was in her bassinet in our room the first three weeks, then in her crib in her room but I slept on the couch in her room)
  • First tear: April 29
  • First real smiles: May 9
  • First haircut: May 17 (we trimmed the crown of unkempt hair in the back of her neck)
  • First blow out diaper: May 17
  • First time playing happily on her own in her park for over 15mn: May 17
  • First time over 10 pounds: May 18
  • First time in the pool: May 25
Standing up with Maman (May 25 2013)

3-6 months (May 26- August 25)
  • First plane ride: June 14
  • First boat ride: June 14
  • First tram ride: June 16
  • First night in a hotel: June 14
  • First night in a pop-up bed: June 14
  • First time in US: June 17
  • First time rolled over (both ways): July 18
  • First time really laughed: August 4 
  • First solids: August 8
  • First clear "more" sign (she did milk a few weeks earlier): August 25

In her first hotel room (Hong Kong June 17)

6-9 months (August 26-November 25)
  • First taste of formula (in cereal): September 16
  • First time walking holding hands: August 28 
  • First clear "food" sign: September 20
  • First fever/sick day (roseola): September 27  
  • First bye bye wave: October 25
  • First time standing 5 seconds on her own: October 25
  • First wobbly steps (1 then 1 then 2): November 1  
  • First time taking four steps on her own: 14 Nov
  • First real snaking : November 19
  • First tooth (bottom left from her perspective): November 21 
 Standing on her own for a few seconds (October 27)

9-12 months (November 25 2013-February 25 2014)
  • First time clapping: December 5
  • First times sitting up alone from lying down position: December 6 
  • First time letting go of the couch to take a few steps to mom (as opposed to being let go and walking a few steps to mom): December 5
  • First time getting up on her own and picking up objects from floor without falling: December 27 
  • First taste of chocolate: January 1 2014 (ok but not entirely won over yet)
  • First taste of cow milk: February 10 2014 (ok but not super exciting)
  • First taste of pizza: February 15 2014 (she was a big fan)
  • First taste of ice cream: February 25 2014 (too cold)
  • First piece of cake: February 25 2014 (she ate the whole thing)
Walking well (December 17)

First piece of cake (February 25 2014)

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