Monday, March 31, 2014

Miscellaneous March

Maya received many presents for her first birthday.
Little monkey with her monkey bowl (thanks Celine)

Maya with her new necklace - I thought she was way too young 
for a necklace but she LOVED it (thanks Gwen)

Lying down to see her necklace better

Maya with her new mega blocks (another big hit)

Maya feeding herself (March 11)

Noah getting his eyes checked at the eye doc 
So far so good

Maya playing with our little neighbor

First taste of real sushi (with raw fish) - 
she loved it (March 22)

Art Project in the artists' studio below Noah's classroom -
You put water on the color pallet and then color in as you please - 
random art made by the public

Noah's "art"

Mamie's art 
(mamie and papie were visiting but unfortunately we were very bad with taking pictures)

Maya at her music and dance class (March 24)

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