Tuesday, December 17, 2013

More Walking Maya

Maya is walking more and more. She now pulls herself up on objects/sofas/crib bars. She is still a bit hesitant at home but does well outside...

She can really walk pretty far when into it

Ooops - she is also getting good at catching herself when she does lose her balance

Almost there!

 What me? Just off for a stroll.

She got the phone! She has no idea what it really does and it is always turned off when she gets it but we have one and look at it often so it must be cool right?

So funny - wait what's funny? Maya loves to laugh back at you even if she did not get the joke or if there was no joke to start with. She joins in.

Hat, hat (her current favorite sign after food)

and... food..

Trying to get up on her own

Off she goes

Some of you seemed surprised that Maya went from 4-5 tentative steps to walking pretty stably in a few days ... well here is how it happened. We were at a birthday party and she was doing her 4-5 steps from me to Seth and back. A friend of ours told us about this technique she used with her kids....

you tie a scarf around her mid section and hold on 

she walks on her own but if she falls, you catch her before she dives head first. She LOVED it. And, after 25 mn of "scarfing", of walking while feeling secure, we removed the scarf and she was now happy to walk on her own. Whenever she is feeling a little scared or  just wants the security, she can use the scarf.


Back home - you can see her first tooth in this picture
 (her second should be here shortly but seems to be taking longer to come out)

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