Friday, December 27, 2013

An Upstanding Girl

Maya has been able to walk for a little while now, but getting up from the ground has been another matter. If you put her on her feet she could walk across a room but if you sat her down she could not get back up. The first step was being able to pull up on a chair or couch or crib. She has been doing that for a few weeks. But since she cannot crawl, getting to the closest couch was not easy as it involved slow snaking. 

The second step was to stand up using a low step or cushion on the floor for support which she started doing a few days ago. 

And, finally, today (December 27 2013), she was able to get up entirely on her own. She repeated the feat 6 times this afternoon! This afternoon she also started picking up a lego or string off the floor and straightening up again without losing her balance. 

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