Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Funny Girl

Cough cough cough - laugh - Maya's first joke, the fake cough! 

Maya is really starting to communicate with us.  During dinner last night, I was being silly and meowing like a cat so Seth made the cat sign. Maya looked around for Lhasa, then looked back at me and did the "maman" sign.  Silly maman. 

Usually, we bathe Maya before putting her PJs on. Yesterday, I skipped her bath and after I put her PJs on - she signed "bath, bath" looking at me inquisitively. 

This evening, Seth was feeding her and after a bit, she signed "maman food". I moved over to feed her and she got really excited. 

Her favorite sign these days, besides food, is "hat".  She signs hat so I got get all her little hats and a mirror and put them on her one after the other - and one after the other, she takes them off pronto and laughs. Then I put each one on and we laugh at how small and silly they look on me. Then yesterday we met up with some friends, one of whom was wearing a cap. Maya looked up at her and signed "hat" "hat". She seems so excited and happy to be communicating and understood. 

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