Saturday, December 21, 2013

Chicken and Naps

Until today, Maya was a vegetarian (or pescetarian I guess). She has had some fish and eggs and of course my milk but no meat or chicken. Today, she tried a little chicken and seemed unphased and ate it heartily as she eats anything well prepared (I did not prepare it). 

On another note, it seems like Maya is finally getting onto a two nap schedule. Maya is the best sleeper. She started sleeping through the night very early on and with the exception of time change and sickness (which happened only once or twice), she never wakes up during the night. She goes down easily for naps and bedtime. However, at first she had very short nap cycles 30mn sleep, 1.5 hours awake, 30mn sleep, 1.5 hours awake and so on all day. She then finally made it to two hours between naps and then 3 - going from 5-6 naps a day to three. For the last few days, she has finally been on a two-nap a day schedule. One one hour nap and one 2 hour nap... Maybe we can get to a more predictable nap schedule. 

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