Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine posted a picture of herself with a gingerbread house she had made and decorated. It looked fun so I forwarded the picture to Seth with a comment "we should try that with Noah". A week later, Seth had found all kinds of house design options!

Noah cutting and gluing the templates

After rolling out the dough, we cut it along the templates. Then baked the pieces and then...

Melted and cooked sugar, and poured it in the windows.

Once the sugar cooled and the windows were hard, we made some "glue" (aka royal icing) and put together the houses...

Noah gluing his house together

the two houses ready to be decorated

Noah decorating his house

... And the final product (view from the front)

Side view

Back view - notice the cool "pool" and bridge Noah decorated his backyard with

Other side

Noah with his house

The second house  (also known as maman's house) - side view 

back view

Other side (tree, snowman with ball) - the sugar windows looked great at first but started leaking... guess this was not supposed to be a tropical weather project

Front view

Me and the house

Our little gingerbread village

Eleonor took a picture of the four of us and our two houses....

Me and the kids with Eleonor and the houses

All in all, it took us a week from the first snip of the template to the last dusting of snow. Surprisingly, all the candy quickly became building and decorating tools and we did not eat nearly as much as I thought we would. Those green gum drops were quite valuable you know! A fun project which Noah really enjoyed (Maya not too much - maybe next year?).

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