Friday, July 27, 2012

Chicken Pox

My little guy has chicken pox. He had a fever Wednesday night but Thursday seemed fine. Thursday night after a fun afternoon at Sentosa (including the Sounds of the Sea show), I noticed a few watery spots on him. I looked it up on the computer and sure enough, they looked exactly like chicken pox spots. The doc confirmed it this morning.

I had chicken pox much later - around 8-9 so to me it's a big kid's illness and now my little boy has it... he is doing great though considering - happy and energetic and of course he has not lost his appetite. He does not have too many spots yet and is a bit itchy but not too bad. He enjoyed playing/reading with me all day and watching some videos which he does not usually get to do (except Friday night and Sunday morning).  Hopefully, it will remain mild and he will have good memories of playing and being taken care of.


  1. Hope you're doing much better by now. Kisses.

  2. Oh no, this not nice... hope it is going better!

    1. He is doing much better thanks but still has to stay home as he is still contagious. Bises a toi.
