Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gardens by the Bay with Daniel and Gabriel

The other day, we went to the new Gardens by the Bay which recently opened behind the Marina Bay Sands hotel. They are amazing - lots of green space and walkways on four different levels which make you feel like you are in a jungle with different habitats on the ground and on lower and higher limbs.

Here Noah, Daniel and Gabriel playing on the sculpted lion. Noah was holding Gabriel tightly so he would not fall off the lion...

Petting the lioness...Noah is so gentle with younger kids he takes a liking to... and with wooden lions it seems - he was gently petting the lioness - it was very sweet (for those of you who were wondering how he treats younger kids he does not take a liking to - he basically ignores them - and who knows why he likes some  little kids and is uninterested by others - he tends to make this decision quickly and not to waiver much - I wonder what characteristics sway him one way or the other).

The kids having a fun ride on the lioness.

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