Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chicken Pox Days: Mr Pocky

Noah and I have been at home for the last five days - and it has been surprisingly pleasant. He is in good spirits and apart for the spots on his body looks and acts normal. We have been doing plenty of fun activities and games (pics to come in later Chicken Pox Days posts) and are very much enjoying this time together (with of course usual toddler moments when he just has to try to write on his leap frog "ipad" to see what happens or has to go see how the the dvd player works but those little incidents have been few and far between). We are also lucky to have some great sets of neighbors who brought us some books and activity books and stickers and a cute bus and a puppet making kit and some great homemade cards.

We finally got a few pics of Noah and his pox - He did not want us to take pictures the first few days but then decided it was ok after all.  

Making silly faces at the camera (and Daddy).

Our little "Pocky" as his Aunt Suza affectionately calls him.

Not too bad... a few more days and the spots should be dried out and our little guy no longer contagious.

1 comment:

  1. Il fait tellement grand garçon sur ces photos. Le bébé a vraiment disparu.
    Dingue qu'il est dû rester sionftemps en quarantaine ! Je me demande si c'est la même chose en Suisse
