Monday, July 9, 2012

Noah's 3rd Birthday: Celebration #1 Slide Show

My little Noah is 2... for a few more hours. Time flew by fast but, at the same time, it seems like Noah has always been with us. 


Age 0 (July 10 2009): Birth in Switzerland of a French and American little Noah - already an international baby.

Age 2 months (September 10 2009): Playing hide-n-seek in the trees in St Colombe in France.

Age 4 months (November 10 2009): Playing on the couch in our apartment in Switzerland.

Age 7 months (February 14 2010): Six Noahs - the kids had fun trying to determine what emotion Noah was depicting in each portrait-  Noah gave the winners a mentos. My take on it: happy Noah, wistful Noah, surprised Noah, sad Noah, content Noah and pensive Noah.

Age 11 months (June 10 2010): Noah riding Balto the dog in Central Park - he was just starting to walk.

Age 1 year (July 10 2010): Noah eating his birthday cake - we had just moved to Singapore less than two weeks before.


Age 14 months (September 10 2010): Making new friends in our new home in Singapore (here with Daniel)

Age 16.5 months (December 2 2010): Where is this??? Some of the kids correctly identified the Singapore flyer in the background - Noah is on top of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel.

Age 18 months (1.5 years) (January 18 2011): Where is this? Noah feeding the birds at the birdpark.

Age 18.5 months (1.5 years) (January 22 2011): Where is this? Anybody??? The children's area in the zoo.

Age 19 months (February 20 2011): Where is this? The Arts Science museum.

Age 20 months (March 10 2011): First day of school. 

Age 2 (July 10 2011): Second birthday celebration #1 in Ferney just near Geneva.


Age 2 (July 16 2011): Noah likes traveling - here with Maman and Daddy in Neuchatel Switzerland.

Age 25 months (August 20 2011): Noah's favorite toy - magnatiles. He received them for his second birthday and could not put them down for over a month playing for 2+ hours a day and is still asking for them often now

Age 26 months: Noah likes playing with his animals, putting diapers on them, preparing picnics for them and potty training them. By 26 months, Noah is potty trained (mostly - he worked on the pooping aspect for a bit longer).

Age 2yrs and 5.5 months (29.5 months - December 25 2011): Noah likes baking and decorating cookies - and cooking in general. Here with his friend Elias and their loot.

Age 2yrs and 9 months (33 months): Noah loves swimming - especially with his noodle at the time though now he is able to swim a few feet on his own. 

Age 2yrs and 10months (34 months - May 13 2012): Noah in NYC meeting his baby cousin for the first time. 

Age 2yrs and 11months (35 months - June 10 2012): Celebrating Grandpa Bob's 94th birthday in DC. 

Three fun-filled years full of smiles and laughs and adventures. Our last post of 2 year old Noah. Goodbye 2 year old Noah and hello 3 year old Noah. 


  1. Happy belated birthday, Noah! My son, Gabriel is turning 3 on 23rd July, too. Its lovely to read your documentation on Noah.

  2. @ Little Precious Gems. Thank you. Happy early birthday to Gabriel. Glad you enjoy the blog. We started it when Noah was born mostly for family as we lived far away but it is nice for us now to have all this information and pics of our little boy. Have a great day.
