Sunday, January 5, 2014

The End of the Gingerbread Houses

After a week of sitting in what we thought was a "cold dry room", our gingerbread houses (see here for the building of the gingerbread houses: Building our Gingerbread houses ) had deteriorated. 

The sugar windows had completely melted down.

Leaving puddles of yellow on the "snow"

We could not really eat them because we had chosen the gingerbread and icing recipes that were best for building but were not very good to eat and the candy did not seem that appetizing anymore. So, we decided to destroy the houses in style...

Noah getting ready to destroy his house....

So much fun....

Maya getting in on the action with Daddy

Can you even tell which house this one was?

Or this one?

It took a week to build the houses and five minutes to destroy them but Noah (and the rest of us) enjoyed both a lot! Hammering the houses was lots of fun. Bye bye houses - see you maybe next year.

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