Saturday, January 11, 2014

New shoes and new skills

Our little Maya is growing up... she now has a pair of big girl shoes. Seth was in the US last week and brought back some shoes for Maya... Not much choice in her tiny tiny size but we found something that fits and seems comfortable. She was a bit apprehensive at first but after a little bit, was off.

Our little girl in her big girl shoes - no more slipper shoes

Also new, Maya started pointing at things last week. She points so I can tell her the name of the designated object or points at something she wants and a few times, she pointed to a flower in a book when I asked her "ou est la fleur". 

She also is doing her signs more and has added two new signs - mouse and slide. Mouse does not seem very useful but somehow there are lots of mice in the books we read her hence the mouse sign. She signs "cat" and "food" in the evening to tell me she wants to go feed Lhasa with me. Or "bath" when it's time for her bath. She also signs "cat" when she wants to go home (abode of Lhasa the cat) or slide when she wants to go down the slide. It's so much fun watching all of it slowly coalescing.

She has been removing a cover I put on her or me when playing peekaboo for quite a while but she just started hiding herself with a burp cloth and peeking out with a huge grin when I ask where is Maya.

Finally, Maya has started accompanying her "singing" with some "drumming". She stands by a door or wall or table and drums with her hands and then tries to hum jingle bells or some other tune. She is so proud as she looks up at me. Hopefully, I can catch it on video sometime soon...

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