Thursday, January 2, 2014

First Visit to Universal Studios Singapore

On December 30, we took Noah and Maya to Universal Studios Singapore. Seth and I took turns doing rides with Noah and staying with Maya. 

Seth and Noah in the "Accelerator" in Sci-Fi City

View of the pier and "New York"

Noah and I in Ancient Egypt's Treasure Hunters ride

Noah driving the car (it had some give between grooves and he loved driving it)

Noah on the dino in the Lost World

Seth and Noah Dino Soaring

Noah and his dino

The castle in Far Far Away

At Noah's request, he and I rode the roller coaster in Far Far Away. 
 He found it a bit scary but liked it.

And Maya got to ride her first carousel

She loved it!

It was pretty crowded during the day so we skipped a few of the popular rides to come back to later. Most of these were the more adventurous rides. We were happily surprised that Noah was allowed to do all but one of the rides in the park (some required 107cm, some less and only one required 122cm (Noah is about 110cm)). Noah asked to do the Transformers ride even after hearing that it was in the dark with shooting and crazy speeds. We were a bit apprehensive but he loved it. He then asked to do the Canopy Flyer below...

He also loved that and then did the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure. It had one of the tallest height requirements so we thought it was going to be scary/fast but it turned out to be pretty tame (except for when the ride was stopped for five minutes and we were stuck in a small lift with a giant dinosaur about to eat us). 

We were happily surprised at how much Noah loved some of the scarier rides and how Maya is able to sleep with the loudest music playing.  All in all - a great day. 

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