Monday, January 6, 2014

Noah's First Computer Drawing

For my birthday, I got a snazzy new printer which prints in color, prints pictures, scans, copies... I am so excited. So much new fun stuff to do with the kids. I told Noah we could draw a picture on the computer and then print it out and since then he has been asking about 10 times a day whether he can draw his computer picture. So, finally, while Maya was napping the other day, I set him up and showed him how to do a star and chose the color for the outside and inside of the star. I figured we would do a star drawing and then next time we would try other tools. Noah had another idea... he wanted to try it all. I let him of course and....

This was the result!

We printed it out as promised. Since then, Noah has been asking not 10 times but 20 times a  to make another computer drawing!

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