Sunday, November 6, 2011

One Hump Bump

Yesterday evening, Noah whacked his head against the floor in his room. Seth and I were in the next room so we did not see it happen. From what we can gather he was kneeling on the floor and then fell/thrust himself forward. It does not make much sense. We quickly iced his forehead and put some special cream on it but the bump started growing and growing and growing. 

Noah has bumped himself before (he fell from the bed once and from the couch once) but NEVER did he have a bump this big.

He did not cry long or that loudly but just to be sure we took him to the local doctor (unlike in Switzerland, docs are open here till 10pm on a Saturday!). He examined Noah's eyes and the bump (and minor scratch also incurred most likely upon contact with the magnatiles on the floor) and told us there was nothing much to do at this point but to monitor him for the next 48 hours (the pics were taken when we got back from the doctor's).

The one thing we could do was to continue icing it with a cold gel patch. Here is Noah at dinner with his gel patch. He probably complained more about the gel patch than the bump itself! In solidarity I put on a patch too and then he was a bit less unhappy with his plight.

After dinner, we all played cards Noah and I wearing our stylish patches. On a side note (and this will probably be in another post), we have started playing some toddler card games (here a matching card game) with Noah and it's been lots of fun. He loves it and I still think it's so cool that we can actually play a real game together, taking turns and helping each other.

So far, it's been a little under 24 hours and Noah seems completely fine. The bump has diminished a bit and does not seem to hurt him at all. Luckily kids have soft skulls!


  1. Oh pauvre Noah. Super impressionnante cette bosse. J'espère qu'elle a complètement disparu maintenant.
    Le jeu de cartes a l'air chouette. Est-ce un jeu de memory?
    Te fais un gros bisou sur le front

  2. Merci Soizic. The bump is slowly going away but it will probably be a while before it disappears completely. The card game is minimatch by djeco (you can find it at: ). He LOVES it. We play countless times a day. We got him a bunch of other card games and board games too but we have not yet given them to him - will keep you posted on the popular ones.
